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"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you" - Isaiah 60:1

Ministering to Christians who cannot or are uncomfortable attending "Church." Specializing in caring for the elderly and home-bound by offering biblical comfort and Sacramental care.

Love God.

Love Others.

Be Kind.

Be Grateful.


We are actively looking for Christians in and around Camarillo, CA, to help form the core congregation for our community. Whether you are a disenchanted Roman Catholic or a Reformed Christian or anywhere in between, we need you to help grow a loving Church family built on the authority of the Blessed Trinity.

Ministering in the spirit of the ancient Celtic Church, we serve by being present to others outside the boundaries of traditional churches. We reach out to the home-bound, the elderly, and our neighbors. We love God in the Holy Trinity because we have an intimate relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We know that God the Father created us with every hair on our head counted, and all our days ordained for us. Such love is incomprehensible, yet fully affirmed in the Bible. Psalm 139 is a wonderful description of how amazing is God the Father's love for us. We know that through his life, passion, death and Resurrection, Jesus Christ loves us more than we can comprehend, and that he wants us to put aside all fear and enter into his loving embrace. We know the Holy Spirit dwells in us and guides us into spiritual depths of love and miracles we cannot fathom. We are loved by the Creator of Creation, and we are wonderfully celebrated in heaven when we come into a glorious and everlasting relationship with the Trinity.

Grace Celtic Church is focused on providing the community with essential Celtic Christianity free of the many additions and misinterpretations found on the internet. Throughout history, the British Isles have been in turmoil over their defense of the truth of the gospel according to Jesus. Blood has been shed, communities destroyed, and martyrs on both sides of the Catholic and Reformed traditions have willingly died for their beliefs. We seek unity among believers, we seek fellowship with unbelievers, and we seek the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding to dwell richly throughout the length and breadth of humanity.

This community of believers is on mission to honor the golden thread of truth we find in the teachings of St. Patrick, St. Aidan, and St. Brigid as well as James Ussher and John Knox. Each stood firm on the basic truths of the Gospel without compromise or coercion by political and ecclesiastical forces. Each knew God in the Trinity, and each sought to bless the lives of others with that love. We do not compromise on biblical truth, and we are confident the Holy Scriptures transcend historical and cultural manipulations. The Celt in us is both a warrior and a lover. Defending the Word of God as direct revelation from the Trinity to us, and is not to be compromised to accommodate cultural preferences is a hill worth defending with our lives.

That said, the Celt in us loves dialogue and welcomes discussions with those who are either seeking to learn the truth, or who have learned false doctrine and would like to fellowship with us and learn biblical truth.

That said, we know the depths of Holy Scripture is unfathomable, and we know some denominations focus on one truth to the exclusion of a comprehensive adaptation of the many weaves and patterns found in the Bible, therefore we focus on the golden threads that bring the Christian (and Christianity) to life through studying and applying the Sacred Scriptures.

Our good Lord God has chosen us to serve as ministers without a permanent dwelling for worship services, and so we serve him wherever we can. This is a great blessing, in that the world is our church and our neighbors are our congregation. We hope to meet you on the streets, on Facebook, or in the diner. The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. Let us minister together wherever we may be.

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

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